
Showing posts from January, 2016

Slant Buildings

T hinking of a new concept? Try a slant and edgy building . Lets minimize the use of Aluminium roofing and try this!                                            Strandkanten by 70°N Arkitektur

Tips on Basic Bedroom Layout

W ith busy lives full of family, friends and work, our bedroom is oftentimes the place we go to relax and escape everyday life. When done right, a bedroom is a stress-free private sanctuary full of soothing colors, comfortable beddings and plush pillows. Setting that tone is often a challenge, especially when kids often take precedence, but a quick makeover can easily transition even the most in-trouble space.

Twisting Stair Case - 10 Cal Tower / Supermachine Studio

S peaking about our world today,most forms and shapes of buildings around the world are created to interpret the times and seasons we are in. People's idea have metamorphosed into futuristic designs,placing more emphasizes on the aesthetic features. With this notion Architects, are becoming more creative in designing.I call it the Empire Stairs because of its colour and movement . Architectural review announces it as the winner of the 2015 AR Emerging Architecture Awards,located in Bangkok. It is referred to as the most

Brilliant Wooden Tent House Design - Nasu Tepee / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

T his Brilliant Architecture is located in the thick forest region of  the Nasu District, Tochigi Prefecture, in the nothern Kanto region of Japan. This is a summer home belonging to a couple . The intriguing aspect of this building is the seclusion of the site. This idea could be adopted in camping sites around the world. In construction, they married the building and the surrounding by building along the slopes, and avoiding felling of tresses. Architects:  Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

How To Personalise Your Space

A little personality never hurt a room. Looking for a fresh way to dress up bare walls?here are some few tips to own your space......

Wedge Shaped Flint House - RIBA House of the year

W hen Nature inspires you ,amazingly beautiful things happen. Check out the winner of the Royal Institute of British Architects' (RIBA) House of the Year 2015. A genuinely stunning house and far ahead in concept. It is an explicit demonstration of  innovative architecture that suits its surrounding. Architect: Skene Catling de la Peña