
Showing posts from February, 2016

3D Inspired Wallpaper Design

S o metimes having a regular painted wall can be a drab. Wallpapers come in handy when you want to add some ish to your interior.Wallpapers are produced in different forms: some inspired by nature, art,and architectural elements. Above all, 3d impressions give you a whole different view. On the eyes, you can see the different depths and variations which gives an aura of elegance and uniqueness. They could be in geometric ,artistic or floral patterns with different colors.              

360° Pivot Hinge Door

H aving challenges with your Large passage doorway in your homes,and you don't want to block out the  adjoining room completely? Then make a statement with this 360° pivot hinge style door .

Yellow Colored Inspired Living Room Designs

L ooking for a burst of excitement in your interiors? then take a look at this collection of yellow room design ideas, to try in your homes.Yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum ,and should be used cautiously . Going with a whole theme means painting a large accent wall in a vibrant shade and there are many shades to choose from;  a bright primary yellow which can be subduing and overpowering thereby keeping you energetic, a lemon yellow can be more calming on the eye.

Personalise your Beds

I n the past our beds come with regular headboards , today its Art ! We have now accepted the facts that Art can come in different and unprecedented places .Personalize your bed with creative Upholstered headboards now,to spice up your bedroom. Here are some good ideas......                                                source

5 Exquisite Colors for your walls

C olors  are universal elements that make a statement. They depict various, emotions and vibrations at any given point in time .We have different types of color which are classified under Primary ,Secondary and Tertiary colors .Some people just want to go with regular colors while others want it a bit bold, bright and intriguing .It all depends on choice , but certain decisions we take on our choice of colors are almost like an obstacle to creating the desired ambiance and we often times regret our choices.  If given a chance to do it all over again,

Bed in the Roof

I s it possible to fit a home into a 125sq foot mobile housing unit? There is a twist now ,think above and beyond the box .Not only does everything fit in ,it also looks amazing. Overall the design is both functional and truly beautiful.

5 Basic principle to Maximize your Space

L ife  can get tough when our spaces are not optimally planned out . Many of us strive for a more simplified life where what surrounds us are either things we love or need or both most times. A planned out space makes it easy to find things and keep the space tidy in the midst of everyday multi-tasking. If you find your self having limited space here are a few tips to help you ; avoid this and optimally maximize your space