
Showing posts from 2016

Clutter - Free Bedroom Tips

A  n effective Bedroom is a well planned out space with lots of room to store all your      personal effect and other activities.   Most times when a bedroom is decorated or remodel, the room looks great, but after a short time it gets all cluttered and I have taken it upon myself do find out how to keep your bedroom free from unnecessary clutter. These basic steps can help in creating an effective bedroom includes;

Great Exterior Wall Finish

E nhance your building wall facade with great cladding materials. These are mostly superior metal panel finishing and are always lightweight. They also come in a wide range of colors and finish options with different textures or curves. Apart from giving your building a good outlook, its fire resistant properties give an added advantage over other outdoor wall panels. The jaw breaker is that this makes structures memorable by emulating colors found in nature and infusing a touch of refinement to it.

Fun Ideas to add to your Interior design

M ost  times we try to keep things very basic and simple to suit our space function ,but to those out there looking for that "IT" factor here are some to try out Let's go sliding woo hoo!! The slide adds excitement to your space,it create an active space for both adults and kids to play as well.

Romantic Interior Design Tips

W ith love and romance in the air ,I can bet that everyone will want to have an intimate setting in their bedrooms. Romantic Bedrooms give you a feeling of relaxation . The fact is whether you have someone to share your bedroom with or not, you could always delight yourself by using romantic design themes to spice -up your space. Romantic designs are usually very cozy ,comfortable,and arousing too.

Neutral color Bedroom design

N eutral colors are subtle but at the same time powerful.They are colors you can live with for years and not even bother about them.They easily blend in and are relaxing and when used in a bedroom gives some level of calmness and comfort to your space.

7 Tips to create a unique Landscape

Y ou  have this space in your yard and have no clue on how to beautify it ? It happens to the best of us. There are a lot of things you have to consider if you want to have up a beautiful landscape. Some key Questions to ask yourself are ; What kind of activities will be hosted there (N/B :This depends on the available space) What kind of scenery you want to create? Is it a private or public seating area? How do you intend to keep it clean? What is the existing soil type? What kind of plants flourish without much maintenance? What is your budget?

Nature Inspired wallpaper

L ets bring in Nature into our homes through wallpaper designs;                          source Jungle inspired wallpaper

Multicolored Roof - Biomuseo / Gehry Partners

T his gigantic building adds color to the environment with its multi-colored roofing.  From the architect. The project comprises three main elements: the museum building, the exhibition design and the surrounding park.

Light up your Mirrors

M irrors with lights sure helps us to see more .Here are some few ways to light them up...

5 Basic way tips to Make a Huge Statement in your Interior Space

A re you tired of having the same old design in your space and you need to make a huge statement .You don't have to go buy new furniture or change your wall painting completely if its not necessary to, all what is needed is a pop of color ,fittings or ornaments . Here are a few ideas;

Fascinate your walls with Mirrors

M  irrors, mirrors, mirrors. We use them everyday and yes they truly tell us our story. They are reflective glass elements with a silvery, metallic, or amalgam backing.As we all know with mirrors in your space makes it seem larger and more open and also gives you a reflection of yourself .Mirrors can be placed on the wall in an artistic way or in a simple regular format. For me mirrors give you the glits and glamour needed. Depending on how you use your mirrors it can give you a grand view and eye catching statements.

Bold Color Design Inspiration

T  rying to make a huge statement with your interior ?Try bold eccentric colors now,these can be tricky and I  will advise you tread with caution .For those playing it safe, this isn't necessarily their style, but for those who are more adventurous,consider one of these shades.

The Cube

I  was amazed by this magnificent structure standing in the midst of a busy urban area.I called it a structure cause its  more than a building. It looks like a molecular structure in one of those atomic science analysis  but now its real and enlarged. I sure will love to live there ,eye-rolling just thinking about it.

Creative Workstataion

A  workstation is a place of creativity and concentration. You need good storage and a workable area. Ultimately, life can be easier with a creative workstation for more effective results .

Beautiful Storage shelves

S helves are key in all homes and offices. As we all know, our shelving system all depends on the functionality and the use of space.Shelves goes a long way in maximizing your space , and also help to hide or display items. They come in different forms and styles  and it all depends on our requirements and taste in most cases. They add value to your space and style, thereby making it unique in any space . A few examples include the following pics below:

3D Inspired Wallpaper Design

S o metimes having a regular painted wall can be a drab. Wallpapers come in handy when you want to add some ish to your interior.Wallpapers are produced in different forms: some inspired by nature, art,and architectural elements. Above all, 3d impressions give you a whole different view. On the eyes, you can see the different depths and variations which gives an aura of elegance and uniqueness. They could be in geometric ,artistic or floral patterns with different colors.              

360° Pivot Hinge Door

H aving challenges with your Large passage doorway in your homes,and you don't want to block out the  adjoining room completely? Then make a statement with this 360° pivot hinge style door .

Yellow Colored Inspired Living Room Designs

L ooking for a burst of excitement in your interiors? then take a look at this collection of yellow room design ideas, to try in your homes.Yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum ,and should be used cautiously . Going with a whole theme means painting a large accent wall in a vibrant shade and there are many shades to choose from;  a bright primary yellow which can be subduing and overpowering thereby keeping you energetic, a lemon yellow can be more calming on the eye.

Personalise your Beds

I n the past our beds come with regular headboards , today its Art ! We have now accepted the facts that Art can come in different and unprecedented places .Personalize your bed with creative Upholstered headboards now,to spice up your bedroom. Here are some good ideas......                                                source

5 Exquisite Colors for your walls

C olors  are universal elements that make a statement. They depict various, emotions and vibrations at any given point in time .We have different types of color which are classified under Primary ,Secondary and Tertiary colors .Some people just want to go with regular colors while others want it a bit bold, bright and intriguing .It all depends on choice , but certain decisions we take on our choice of colors are almost like an obstacle to creating the desired ambiance and we often times regret our choices.  If given a chance to do it all over again,

Bed in the Roof

I s it possible to fit a home into a 125sq foot mobile housing unit? There is a twist now ,think above and beyond the box .Not only does everything fit in ,it also looks amazing. Overall the design is both functional and truly beautiful.

5 Basic principle to Maximize your Space

L ife  can get tough when our spaces are not optimally planned out . Many of us strive for a more simplified life where what surrounds us are either things we love or need or both most times. A planned out space makes it easy to find things and keep the space tidy in the midst of everyday multi-tasking. If you find your self having limited space here are a few tips to help you ; avoid this and optimally maximize your space

Slant Buildings

T hinking of a new concept? Try a slant and edgy building . Lets minimize the use of Aluminium roofing and try this!                                            Strandkanten by 70°N Arkitektur

Tips on Basic Bedroom Layout

W ith busy lives full of family, friends and work, our bedroom is oftentimes the place we go to relax and escape everyday life. When done right, a bedroom is a stress-free private sanctuary full of soothing colors, comfortable beddings and plush pillows. Setting that tone is often a challenge, especially when kids often take precedence, but a quick makeover can easily transition even the most in-trouble space.

Twisting Stair Case - 10 Cal Tower / Supermachine Studio

S peaking about our world today,most forms and shapes of buildings around the world are created to interpret the times and seasons we are in. People's idea have metamorphosed into futuristic designs,placing more emphasizes on the aesthetic features. With this notion Architects, are becoming more creative in designing.I call it the Empire Stairs because of its colour and movement . Architectural review announces it as the winner of the 2015 AR Emerging Architecture Awards,located in Bangkok. It is referred to as the most

Brilliant Wooden Tent House Design - Nasu Tepee / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

T his Brilliant Architecture is located in the thick forest region of  the Nasu District, Tochigi Prefecture, in the nothern Kanto region of Japan. This is a summer home belonging to a couple . The intriguing aspect of this building is the seclusion of the site. This idea could be adopted in camping sites around the world. In construction, they married the building and the surrounding by building along the slopes, and avoiding felling of tresses. Architects:  Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

How To Personalise Your Space

A little personality never hurt a room. Looking for a fresh way to dress up bare walls?here are some few tips to own your space......

Wedge Shaped Flint House - RIBA House of the year

W hen Nature inspires you ,amazingly beautiful things happen. Check out the winner of the Royal Institute of British Architects' (RIBA) House of the Year 2015. A genuinely stunning house and far ahead in concept. It is an explicit demonstration of  innovative architecture that suits its surrounding. Architect: Skene Catling de la Peña